Saturday 27th March 2:30pm
Bendigo Queer Film Festival
International Short Film Competition 2020
The Engine Room 58 View St, Bendigo VIC 3550
The very first (delayed) BQFF International short film competition!
We scoured the world for the best and newest queer short films in 2020. Then Covid19 struck and we had to postpone. Now, at last, we can show you the fruits of our labours! Come to the inaugural Bendigo Queer Film Festival International Short Film Competition and see what the world has to offer!
We’ll be announcing the winner of the grand prize for the 2020 competition.
All tickets $15 Tickets:
Please note this is a Covid safe event. Please see the latest requirements here.

Saturday 27th March 5:15pm
Bendigo Queer Film Festival
International Short Film Competition 2021
Documentary and True Story
The Engine Room 58 View St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Part 1 of the second BQFF International short film competition!
We’ve once more risked life and limb (no, not really) to scour the world (from the appropriately socially distanced safety of our lounge rooms) for the best and newest queer short films in the last year.
The entries this year are so good that we split the competition into two screenings.
This first screening of the 2021 competition shows the best documentary and true stories from this year’s entries.
All tickets $15 Tickets:
Please note this is a Covid safe event. Please see the latest requirements here.

Saturday 27th March 8pm
Bendigo Queer Film Festival
International Short Film Competition 2021
Drama and Comedy
The Engine Room 58 View St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Part 2 of the second BQFF International short film competition!
We’ve once more risked life and limb (no, not really) to scour the world (from the appropriately socially distanced safety of our lounge rooms) for the best and newest queer short films in the last year.
The entries are so good this year we split the competition into two screenings.
Come along to see the second half of the 2021 Bendigo Queer Film Festival International Short Film Competition and see what global treats we found in comedy and drama!
We will announce the winner of the 2021 competition in this session!
All tickets $15 Tickets:
Please note this is a Covid safe event. Please see the latest requirements here.

Sunday 28th March 10am
BQFF Special Guest Breakfast
Every year, Bendigo Queer Film festival hosts a breakfast with a special guest to present a reflection on their LGBTQI experience.
This year we are super excited to host Starlady. Transactivist, educator, stylist and fabulist! A tireless advocate and peer educator for the LGBTQI community, Starlady will entertain, educate and engage you with her tales of derring do!
All tickets $35 includes breakfast
Please state dietary preference: Vegan. Vegetarian. Not bothered.
Please note this is a Covid safe event. Please see the latest requirements here.